Does It Snow In Dallas, Texas

Are you curious, does it snow in Dallas, Texas? You’re about to find out! In this article, we’ll answer your question and cover everything related to snowfall in Dallas, TX.

Does It Snow In Dallas, Texas?

Don’t expect a winter wonderland. Snow in Dallas is a rare treat rather than a common occurrence. On average, Dallas gets about 1.7 inches of snow, spread across the winter months according to Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by Let’s explore what snowfall looks like in Dallas.

Why Does Dallas Get Snow?

So, why does Dallas get snow at all? It’s due to its location and weather patterns. Dallas is situated at an elevation ranging from 450 feet to 550 feet above sea level, which is not very high. Located in North Texas, it sometimes experiences cold fronts from the north mixing with moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. When this happens, it creates the perfect conditions for snow. But because Dallas is quite far south, these conditions don’t occur frequently.

Analysis Of Snowfall Data For Dallas, Texas

When Dallas, TX, experiences snowfall patterns, locals and visitors find it quite charming even if it is not too much snow. This analysis will help you understand when to expect snow in this picturesque town.

Analysis of snowfall data for Dallas, TX according to Data Of Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by

Monthly Breakdown

  • July, August, September, October, April, May, And June: Dallas doesn’t experience any snowfall in those months at all. It is so warm and pleasant weather, perfect for various outdoor activities.
  • November: Typically sees 0.1 inches, marking the start of winter.
  • December: Increases to an average of 0.3 inches, adding to the holiday cheer.
  • January: Maintains winter vibes with about 0.1 inches.
  • February: Peaks with the highest average snowfall at 0.9 inches.
  • March: Continues with 0.3 inches, signaling winter’s end.

Annual Snowfall Summary:

Dallas averages 1.7 inches of snow annually, categorized as low to moderate compared to other US regions.

Interpreting The Data:

  • Winter Peak: Expect the most snow in February and December, with January and March also likely to see some.
  • Snow-Free Period: April to September typically sees minimal to no snow, reflecting Dallas’ warmer climate.

In conclusion, understanding Dallas’ snow patterns helps locals and visitors plan activities. While snow is rare, it adds a special touch to winter in this vibrant Texan city.

Does It Snow In Dallas, TX In November?

Snowfall in November is rare in Dallas, averaging just 0.1 inches. It’s usually too early for significant snow, but you might catch a light dusting. As temperatures drop, keep a warm jacket handy!

Does It Snow In Dallas, TX In December?

December sees slightly more snow, averaging around 0.3 inches. Holiday vibes make any snowfall magical; keep an eye on the forecast for a chance to enjoy it!

Does It Snow In Dallas, TX In January?

January averages 0.1 inches of snow, possible but not guaranteed. Being the coldest month, any snowfall is likely to stick around, perfect for winter activities and photos.

Does It Snow In Dallas, TX In February?

February boasts the highest average snowfall in Dallas, around 0.9 inches. If you’re hoping for snow, February is your best bet with chilly temperatures increasing the chances.

How Often Does It Snow In Dallas, TX?

Snowfall is uncommon in Dallas, averaging about 1.7 inches annually spread across several months. While occasional snowfall occurs during winter, it’s not something you can expect every year.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Dallas, TX For Snow?

If Dallas experiences snow during the year, it is most likely to occur in December, February, and March, as these are the months that typically see some snowfall.

Does It Get Cold In Dallas, Texas?

You might be wondering, does it get cold in Dallas, Texas? Yes, it does get cold, especially during the winter months from December to February. Average highs range from about 57.7°F in January to 62.0°F in February, with lows dipping to around 37.9°F to 41.9°F during these months. While winters in Dallas aren’t as severe as those in northern states, you’ll still want to bundle up, especially in the evenings. It’s a manageable cold that adds a touch of seasonal variety to the city’s otherwise warm climate.

The average temperatures are based on the analysis of temperature data for Dallas, Texas, according to the Total Annual Temperature Normal Statistics from 1991 to 2020, presented by

Year-Round Weather Guide

If you want a Year-Round Guide To The Weather In Dallas, TX, visit the article below:

Year-Round Guide To Weather In Dallas, TX

What Is The Current Weather In Dallas, Texas?

Do you want to know the weather in Dallas, Texas today? visit the link below:

Current Weather In Dallas, TX


That’s the lowdown on snow in Dallas, TX! While not common, snow brings a unique charm and excitement. Whether local or visiting, Dallas offers plenty of winter activities. So, bundle up, sip on a warm drink, and enjoy Dallas’s rare and enchanting snowfall moments!

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about snowfall in Dallas, TX.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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