Does It Snow In Drewsey, Oregon

Are you curious, does it snow in Drewsey, Oregon? You are lucky because you are in the perfect place to figure out the answer! In this article, we’ll answer your question and cover everything related to snowfall in Drewsey, OR.

Does It Snow In Drewsey, Oregon?

Yes of course! It does! Drewsey, In the high desert of Eastern Oregon, experiences a decent amount of snowfall each winter. Let’s dive into the details and explore what makes this place a snowy wonderland during the colder months.

Why Does Drewsey Get Snow?

Drewsey sits at an elevation of about 4148 feet above sea level, which contributes significantly to its snowfall. On average, Drewsey receives around 35.9 inches of snow annually according to Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by The combination of its high elevation and its location in the high desert region means that Drewsey experiences cold winters with plenty of snow.

Analysis Of Snowfall Data For Drewsey, Oregon

Analysis of snowfall data for Drewsey, Oregon according to Data Of Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by

So, let’s break down the snowfall in Drewsey month by month:

  • July, August, September, June: No snow during these months. It’s warm and perfect for exploring the high desert and outdoor activities.
  • October: Winter starts to hint its arrival with a light dusting of about 0.1 inches of snow. The weather begins to cool down, setting the stage for the winter months.
  • November: Snow becomes more noticeable with an average of around 3.6 inches. Winter is on its way, and the landscape starts to transform.
  • December: This is when the snow really piles up around 12.4 inches on average. Drewsey becomes a festive snowy retreat, perfect for holiday celebrations.
  • January: The snow continues with about 10.2 inches on average. January is cold and snowy, ideal for winter sports and cozy indoor activities.
  • February: Still quite snowy, with about 7.1 inches on average. The winter landscape is beautiful, offering plenty of snow-covered scenery.
  • March: Snow starts to taper off with an average of 1.9 inches. Spring is on the horizon, but you can still enjoy some snowy days.
  • April: Snow is almost gone, with about 0.6 inches on average. The snow melts, and the first signs of spring start to appear.
  • May: Snowfall is over for the season, with no significant accumulation. It’s time for blooming flowers and warmer weather adventures.

The Snow Experience In Drewsey

Experiencing snow in Drewsey is truly special. Imagine waking up to a fresh layer of snow, turning the landscape into a picturesque winter wonderland. The snow-covered ground glistens under the sun, and the air is crisp and refreshing. Whether you’re out for a winter hike or just enjoying the view from a cozy spot, the snowy season in Drewsey offers a unique and tranquil experience.

Does It Snow In Drewsey In November?

Yes, it does! In November, Drewsey typically gets about 3.6 inches of snow. This month marks the start of the snow season, so expect the temperatures to drop and the first real snowfalls to begin transforming the landscape.

Does It Snow In Drewsey In December?

December is one of the snowiest months in Drewsey, with an average snowfall of 12.4 inches. The heavy snowfall creates a perfect setting for holiday decorations and festivities, turning Drewsey into a picturesque winter wonderland.

Does It Snow In Drewsey In January?

January continues the snowy trend, with an average of 10.2 inches of snow. It’s one of the coldest months of the year, offering plenty of opportunities for winter sports and activities. The snow-covered scenery in January is absolutely breathtaking.

Does It Snow in Drewsey in February?

In February, Drewsey receives an average of 7.1 inches of snow. While the days start getting a bit longer, winter is still very much in full swing. February is a great time for winter activities and enjoying the beautiful snowy landscapes.

How Often Does It Snow In Drewsey?

Drewsey sees a steady snowfall during the winter, averaging 35.9 inches per year. The snowy season typically kicks off in late October and can extend through April.

Best Time To Experience Snow In Drewsey

For those looking to catch the snow in Drewsey, the prime time to visit is between late November and February. December and January are particularly snowy, offering a beautiful winter landscape perfect for all your snowy adventures.

What Is The Current Weather In Drewsey, Oregon?

Do you want to know the weather in Drewsey, Oregon today visit the link below:

Current Weather In Drewsey, OR


With so much snow each year, Drewsey turns into a winter wonderland during the colder months. The town offers plenty of fun activities, from snowshoeing and winter hiking to enjoying festive holiday events. Drewsey provides a magical winter experience that’s hard to beat.

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about snowfall in Drewsey, OR.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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