Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho

Are you wondering, does it snow in Pierce, Idaho? You’re in the right place! In this article, we will explain everything related to snowfall in Pierce, ID.

Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho?

You’re in for some snowy fun! Yes, Pierce gets a good amount of snow. Nestled in the Clearwater Mountains, this charming town turns into a winter wonderland each year. With an average annual snowfall of about 113.6 inches according to Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by, it’s a dream destination for anyone who loves winter activities and scenic snowy landscapes.

Why Does Pierce, Idaho Get Snow?

So, why does Pierce get so much snow? It’s all about location and elevation. Pierce is located at about 3,094 feet above sea level in the Clearwater Mountains. This elevation, combined with its position in the mountains, makes it a prime spot for snowfall. The town experiences heavy snow from November through March, turning it into a picturesque snowy haven.

Analysis Of Snowfall Data For Pierce, Idaho

Analysis of snowfall data for Pierce, Idaho according to Data Of Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by

Okay, so here’s how the snow situation looks month by month in Pierce:

  • July, August, September, May, And June: No snow during these months. The weather is warm, making it ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and camping.
  • October: As autumn progresses, you might see the first hints of winter with about 0.4 inches of snow. The cooler temperatures are a sign that winter is approaching.
  • November: Snowfall starts to increase significantly, averaging 10.7 inches. The landscape begins to transform into a winter scene, preparing for the snowy months ahead.
  • December: Snow really piles up this month, with an average of 31.6 inches. Pierce becomes a true winter wonderland, perfect for holiday festivities.
  • January: January is the snowiest month, with an average of 32.2 inches of snow. It’s a great time for snow-related activities like building snowmen and snowball fights.
  • February: Even though it’s not quite as snowy as January, February still sees a lot of snow, averaging 23.4 inches. The town remains beautifully covered in snow, offering plenty of opportunities for winter fun.
  • March: The snowfall starts to lessen but is still noticeable with around 10.8 inches. Spring is near, but winter lingers a bit longer.
  • April: Snow begins to melt with about 4.5 inches of snowfall. The transition to spring becomes more evident as temperatures start to rise.

The Snow Experience in Pierce, Idaho

Experiencing snowfall in Pierce is like stepping into a winter fairy tale. Imagine waking up to a world covered in a thick blanket of snow, with the trees and rooftops all frosted in white. The air is crisp and fresh, and there’s a peaceful silence that only comes with heavy snowfall. Walking through Pierce during the winter, you can see smoke curling from chimneys, hear the crunch of snow underfoot, and feel the magic of winter all around you.

Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho In November?

You bet! November signals the start of the snowy season in Pierce. With about 10.7 inches of snow on average, the landscape starts to get its winter coat, setting up for a snowy few months ahead.

Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho In December?

Yes, it does! December is one of the snowiest months in Pierce, with an average snowfall of 31.6 inches. The town gets all festive and beautiful with a thick layer of snow, perfect for holiday activities and celebrations.

Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho In January?

Definitely! January continues the snowy trend with an average snowfall of 32.2 inches. It’s the snowiest month in Pierce, making it ideal for winter sports and enjoying the snow.

Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho In February?

Indeed, it does! February sees an average snowfall of 23.4 inches. Winter is still in full swing, and there’s plenty of snow for all sorts of winter activities.

How Often Does It Snow In Pierce, Idaho?

Snowfall in Pierce is quite regular from November through April, with the heaviest snow usually falling in December, January, and February.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Pierce If I Want To See Snow?

For the best snow experience, plan your visit between December and February when Pierce is blanketed in beautiful snow.

What Is The Current Weather In Pierce, Idaho?

Do you want to know the weather in Pierce, Idaho today visit the link below:

Current Weather In Pierce, ID


Pierce, Idaho is a winter wonderland thanks to its location and elevation in the Clearwater Mountains. From November to March, the town transforms into a snowy paradise, offering beautiful landscapes and plenty of winter activities. Pierce’s snowy charm is something to look forward to. Enjoy the crisp air, the peaceful silence of snow-covered mornings, and all the fun winter adventures this picturesque town has to offer!

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about snowfall in Pierce, ID.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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