Does It Snow In Pocatello, Idaho

Are you curious, does it snow in Pocatello, Idaho? You’re in the right zone to figure out the answer to this question! In this article, we will explain everything related to snowfall in Pocatello, ID.

Does It Snow In Pocatello, Idaho?

You bet it does! Pocatello, a charming city nestled in southeastern Idaho, transforms into a winter wonderland each year. With an average annual snowfall of about 38.5 inches according to Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by, it’s a great place to enjoy the snowy season. Now, let’s dive deeper into the snowy magic of Pocatello!

Why Does Pocatello Get Snow?

Pocatello’s snowy charm can be attributed to its location and elevation. Sitting at around 4,462 feet above sea level, Pocatello is high enough to catch those winter storms that bring plenty of snow. The city is located in the Portneuf Valley, surrounded by mountains that contribute to its snowy winters. This combination of elevation and geography makes Pocatello a prime spot for winter weather.

Analysis Of Snowfall Data For Pocatello, Idaho

Analysis of snowfall data for Pocatello, Idaho according to Data Of Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by

Okay, so here’s how the snow situation looks month by month in Pocatello:

  • July, August, September, June: No snow at all during these months. It’s warm and perfect for hiking, camping, and enjoying the great outdoors.
  • October: Winter starts showing itself with a touch of snow about 1.2 inches on average. It’s a sign that the cold months are coming.
  • November: Snowfall begins to ramp up, averaging around 4.0 inches. It’s the start of the snowy season, perfect for getting into the winter spirit.
  • December: This is when the snow really starts piling up, with an average of 10.1 inches. The town transforms into a festive, snowy wonderland.
  • January: January continues the snowy trend with about 8.5 inches on average. It’s a prime time for winter activities and enjoying the snowy landscape.
  • February: Still plenty of snow in February, averaging 7.6 inches. The winter fun continues with beautiful snowy scenes.
  • March: Snow starts to taper off with around 4.1 inches on average. Spring is on its way, but winter still holds on a bit.
  • April: Snowfall decreases to about 2.6 inches. The transition to spring becomes more evident, but you might still see some snowflakes.
  • May: Just a tiny sprinkle of snow left, about 0.4 inches. It’s time to welcome spring and enjoy the warmer weather.

The Snow Experience in Pocatello

Experiencing snowfall in Pocatello is like stepping into a winter postcard. Imagine waking up to find everything blanketed in a soft layer of snow. The trees, rooftops, and streets are all covered in white, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. The air is crisp, and there’s a special kind of quiet that only a fresh snowfall brings.
Walking through the city, you’ll see families building snowmen, kids having snowball fights, and people enjoying the snowy beauty in their own ways. There’s nothing quite like cozying up by a fire with a hot drink after a day of playing in the snow. Pocatello’s winter charm is truly something special.

Does It Snow In Pocatello In November?

Yes, it does! November marks the start of the snowy season in Pocatello. The city receives about 4.0 inches of snow on average in November. It’s the perfect time to start gearing up for winter activities and enjoying the early snowfall.

Does It Snow In Pocatello In December?

Absolutely! December is when the snowfall really picks up, averaging around 10.1 inches. The festive season combined with the snowy landscape makes December a magical time in Pocatello. It’s ideal for holiday celebrations and winter sports.

Does It Snow In Pocatello In January?

Definitely! January is one of the snowiest months in Pocatello, with an average snowfall of about 8.5 inches. It’s a great time to hit the slopes or enjoy other winter activities. The snowy scenery is perfect for photography and simply soaking in the beauty of winter.

Does It Snow In Pocatello In February?

Absolutely! February keeps the winter wonderland vibe going strong, bringing in around 7.6 inches of snow on average. The snowy fun is still in full swing, offering numerous chances to enjoy the winter activities before the warmer days of spring begin to show up.

How Often Does It Snow In Pocatello?

Snowfall in Pocatello is fairly regular from October through April, with the heaviest snowfalls typically occurring from November to February. The city enjoys a consistent snowy season each year.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Pocatello If I Want To See Snow?

The best time to visit Pocatello for a snowy experience is from December to February. This period offers the most reliable snow cover and is perfect for winter activities.

What Is The Current Weather In Pocatello, Idaho?

Do you want to know the weather in Pocatello, Idaho today visit the link below:

Current Weather In Pocatello, ID


Pocatello, Idaho, is a true winter wonderland with a good amount of snowfall each year. Nestled in the Portneuf Valley and sitting at high elevation, Pocatello experiences significant snowfall from November through March, making it an ideal destination for snow enthusiasts.

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about snowfall in Pocatello, ID.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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