Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia

Have you ever asked the question, “Does it snow in Norfolk, Virginia?” We’ve got the info! In this article, we will answer your question and cover everything related to snowfall in Norfolk, VA.

Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia?

Norfolk, sitting along the beautiful Atlantic coast, does get a bit of winter magic each year. On average, Norfolk sees about 6.2 inches of snow annually according to Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by While it’s not the heavy snowstorms you might see up north, it’s enough to sprinkle some winter charm over the city.

Why Does Norfolk Get Snow?

Norfolk’s snowfall isn’t just a fluke. Its coastal location and sea-level elevation play a big role for this snowfall results. When colder air from the north mixes with moisture from the Atlantic Ocean. We then we see snowfall and this usually happens from December through March.

Analysis Of Snowfall Data For Norfolk, Virginia

Analysis of snowfall data for Norfolk, Virginia according to Data Of Total Annual Snowfall Normal Statistiques from (1991 – 2020) presented by

Monthly Breakdown

  • July, August, September, October, November, April, May, June: No snow here. Norfolk enjoys mild, pleasant weather, perfect for beach days and outdoor fun.
  • December: The first real snow appears, averaging about 1.1 inches. The holiday season might bring some snowflakes, adding a festive touch.
  • January: Snow picks up, averaging around 3.2 inches. It’s the coldest month, with picturesque, snow-covered scenes.
  • February: About 1.5 inches of snow on average. Winter is still in full swing, with a few more snowy days.
  • March: Snow starts to taper off, averaging 0.4 inches. Spring is on its way, but you might still catch a few flakes.


Overall, Norfolk’s winter provides just enough snow to create a winter wonderland without overwhelming the city, making it a delightful place to experience the seasonal change.

Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia In November?

Not really. November usually has no recorded snowfall, averaging 0.0 inches. It’s too early for significant snow, but mornings can be chilly.

Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia In December?

Yes! December marks the start of more consistent snowfall, with about 1.1 inches on average.

Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia In January?

Definitely. January sees the most snow, averaging 3.2 inches. It’s the heart of winter with beautiful snow-covered views.

Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia In February?

Yes, but a bit less. February averages 1.5 inches of snow, with winter vibes still strong.

How Often Does It Snow In Norfolk, Virginia?

Norfolk averages 6.2 inches of snow annually, mostly from December through March.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Norfolk If I Want To See Snow?

Visit between January and February for the best chance of seeing snow.

Does It Get Cold In Norfolk, Virginia?

Do you want to know, does it get cold in Norfolk, Virginia? Yes, it does experience cold weather, particularly during the winter months from December to February. Average highs range from around 50.7°F in January to 54.7°F in December, with lows dipping to about 33.6°F to 37.6°F during these months. While winters are milder compared to northern states, Norfolk can still get chilly, requiring warm clothing and layers for outdoor activities. The city’s coastal location along the Chesapeake Bay and near the Atlantic Ocean helps moderate temperatures, making winters more bearable with occasional light snowfall averaging about 6.2 inches annually.

The average temperatures are based on the analysis of temperature data for Norfolk, Virginia, according to the Total Annual Temperature Normal Statistics from 1991 to 2020, presented by

Year-Round Weather Guide

If you want a Year-Round Guide To The Weather In Norfolk, VA, visit the article below:

Year-Round Guide To Weather In Norfolk, VA

What Is The Current Weather In Norfolk, Virginia?

Do you want to know the weather in Norfolk, Virginia today? visit the link below:

Current Weather In Norfolk, VA


So, there you have it… Norfolk, Virginia does get snow, adding a touch of winter wonder to its coastal charm. Whether you’re a local or planning a visit, now you know what to expect during the snowy months. Embrace the seasons and enjoy the unique beauty that snow brings to this coastal city!

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about snowfall in Norfolk, VA.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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