Year-Round Guide To Weather In Dallas, TX

Are you curious to know about what the weather’s like in Dallas, Texas? You’ve come to the right place! Dallas is known for its hot summers, mild winters, and everything in between. So, let’s break down the weather month by month and dive into temperatures, precipitation, and even snowfall. Don’t worry! it’s easy to follow and I’ll guide you through it step by step!

The data and statistics presented in this article are sourced from The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) Statistics provided by

Dallas Temperatures: A Year Of Extremes!

Dallas, TX experiences quite the temperature range throughout the year. Let’s start by looking at the average temperatures each month.

Winter (December – February): Cool But Not Freezing

During winter in Dallas, the weather can get chilly but doesn’t reach the intense cold experienced in other parts of the country. Here’s a closer look at the typical winter conditions:

  • December: The average temperature is around 49.5°F. Highs reach approximately 59.2°F, while lows fall to about 39.8°F. You’ll likely need a light jacket, but the cold isn’t too intense.
  • January: As the coldest month, January sees an average temperature of 47.8°F. Highs are around 57.7°F, and the lows can drop to 37.9°F, ideal for wearing cozy sweaters.
  • February: Temperatures start warming up again with an average of 52.0°F. Highs are typically 62.0°F, while lows are around 41.9°F.

Overall, winter in Dallas brings cooler weather, but freezing temperatures and heavy snow aren’t a concern. It’s an excellent time for those who prefer mild winter conditions without extreme weather!

Spring (March – May): Time To Warm Up

When spring arrives in Dallas, you’ll notice temperatures gradually rising and flowers blooming everywhere.

  • March: The average temperature in March is 59.6°F. Highs are around 69.9°F, and lows can still be a bit chilly at 49.4°F. It’s a perfect time to start spending more time outdoors.
  • April: April brings even warmer days, with an average temperature of 67.1°F. The high temperatures can reach 77.4°F, and the lows are still comfortable at 56.8°F.
  • May: By May, it really starts to feel like summer is just around the corner. The average temperature jumps to 75.4°F. Highs can hit 84.9°F, and the lows are a nice 66.0°F, so you can still enjoy cooler mornings and evenings.

Spring in Dallas is lovely and mild, making it one of the best seasons to get outside and explore.

Summer (June – August): Bring On The Heat!

Summer in Dallas is no joke—it gets seriously hot! If you’re a fan of sunshine, though, it’s the perfect time to dive into water sports or enjoy the outdoors. Just don’t forget to slather on some sunscreen!

  • June: Summer kicks off with an average temperature of 83.3°F. Daytime highs can climb to 92.7°F, while nights cool down a bit to around 73.8°F. It’s hot but still bearable.
  • July: Dallas reaches its hottest point this month. The average temperature hits 87.3°F, with highs soaring to 96.9°F. Even the nights stay warm at 77.7°F, so be ready for those toasty afternoons—ideal for lounging by the pool or finding shade.
  • August: The heat doesn’t let up in August. Average temperatures are still around 87.3°F, and daytime highs can peak at 97.1°F, with nights staying at a warm 77.4°F.

Summers in Dallas are long, hot, and often humid. It’s perfect for sun-lovers, but if you’re not a fan of the heat, it’s smart to plan indoor activities during the hottest part of the day when the sun is at its strongest.

Fall (September – November): Cool And Crisp

Fall in Dallas offers a refreshing break from the summer heat. The temperatures cool down and the air becomes crisp and enjoyable.

  • September: September starts to cool things off with an average temperature of 80.1°F. Highs can still reach 90.0°F, but the lows drop to a comfortable 70.1°F.
  • October: By October, things cool down even more. The average temperature is 69.1°F, with highs around 79.5°F and lows dipping to 58.7°F.
  • November: November signals the approach of winter, with an average temperature of 57.8°F. Highs are around 67.8°F, and lows can drop to 47.8°F.

Fall in Dallas is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking or visiting the local parks. The cooler air makes it one of the most pleasant seasons.

If you want to read a detailed article about the annual temperature in Dallas, Texas, visit the article below:

Does It Get Cold In Dallas, Texas

Precipitation In Dallas: A Rainy Breakdown

Now that we’ve looked at the temperatures, let’s talk about rain. Dallas isn’t the rainiest place, but it does see its fair share of precipitation throughout the year.

  • January: 2.59 inches
  • February: 2.78 inches
  • March: 3.45 inches
  • April: 3.15 inches
  • May: 4.57 inches (the rainiest month of the year)
  • June: 3.83 inches
  • July: 1.71 inches (the driest month)
  • August: 2.19 inches
  • September: 3.10 inches
  • October: 4.79 inches
  • November: 2.93 inches
  • December: 3.23 inches

Annual precipitation: Dallas gets a total of 38.32 inches of rain annually. May and October are the wettest months, so if you don’t like rain, those months might not be the best time to visit.

Snowfall In Dallas: Is There Any?

Dallas doesn’t get much snow, but it does experience a little during the winter months. If you’re looking for a snowy wonderland, you won’t find it here, but let’s see how much snow typically falls.

  • December: 0.3 inches
  • January: 0.1 inches
  • February: 0.9 inches (the snowiest month)
  • March: 0.3 inches

That’s a total of about 1.7 inches of snow per year. So, while it’s possible to see snow in Dallas, it’s rare and usually just a light dusting.

If you want to read a detailed article about the annual snowfall in Dallas, Texas, visit the article below:

Does It Snow In Dallas, Texas

What Is The Current Weather In Dallas, Texas?

Do you want to know the weather in Dallas, Texas today? visit the link below:

Current Weather In Dallas, TX

Summing It All Up

Dallas experiences a variety of weather throughout the year. Winters are usually mild with cool temperatures, and you might see a little snow now and then. As spring rolls in, the temperatures warm up, creating a great atmosphere for outdoor activities and exploring the city. Summers in Dallas are known for being hot and humid, making it a good time to enjoy poolside fun, though you’ll need to prepare for those high temperatures! When fall arrives, the cooler temperatures offer a pleasant break from the summer heat, with refreshing air and comfortable days.

Data Sources And References:

The Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) statistics are from and analyzed by in order to answer your desired questions about temperatures, precipitation, and snowfall in Dallas, TX.

Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) – NOAA’s National Weather Service Data from NOWData Link.

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